Lucia Mitro, b.c.
Lucia Mitro is offering consultations, The Reconnection Healing and Reconnection. According to her own words, she helps teach sensitive people: children who see ghosts and parents of these children how to live. Thanks to the energy that flows through her, she can also heal. Consultations take place in person, but can also be by telephone, mail or Skype.

Lucia came to America through the famous green card years ago with her husband and her son.  She started to experience the healing in childhood.
"I found that when Grandmother and her sisters came to me for haircuts, when
I put my hands on their heads they claimed they no longer had headaches.

My mom liked when I massaged her back. Apparently I can press on spots to stop backaches. Many others would come to me as they would to an old willow
to share their most intimate  secrets.

When Lucia came to the U.S., her friend fell into a coma and she visited him in the hospital. "I put my hand on his body and scanned him. I did not understand what I was doing, but I sensed that I had to do it. I realized that helping others is my passion. My friend came out of the coma and is OK.”

Thanks to her healing sessions a 76-year-old man in a wheelchair was able to walk his daughter to the altar and a girl with polio can now play with friends at the playground. A lady, who after three strokes lost the feeling on the right side of the body, has it seventy percent back now.

She Sees ghosts:

Simply said. Lucia could  see ghosts. But in fact, she said they are mostly angel protectors. "Our bodies turn to dust, but our energy never dies. I've felt the presence of invisible friends since childhood, but I never told anything to anybody. Can you imagine that I would assert under Communism that I see ghosts? I would be put in the madhouse. I thought that I was probably crazy if  I  was the only one who saw them.

When my father died, I was very scared. On the one hand I wanted to ignore the beings, but on the other I was very eager to know if he was okay, remembering the old event. About three days after my father's funeral, I visited the room where his body rested. Suddenly, the vacuum cleaner was turned off and on a few times by itself, then the light started blinking. I started to hear strange sounds in an empty room.

"That night my father came to visit. I remember the vision, as if it were yesterday.  He was sad and said “I never hurt you when I was alive, why do you think I would hurt you now? "And he left. “Since then I was not afraid of Daddy, I always talk to him”, Lucia said, adding that children are the most vulnerable and most open to visits from the other side. "If a child tells you that he/she is speaking with great-grandfather, who died thirty years ago, try to trust him/her. My experience says that eight out of ten children are right. "

She helped  famous  people:

Lucia Mitro is getting known in America. TV journalists and TV crews are interviewing her. She has, in fact, healed a number of famous people.
However, she is not intending to disclose their identity. "I can only say that I worked with different people - from politicians, soldiers, police officers, artists through to the prisoners," suggesting her clientele. She has clients with all kinds of problems.

Media is interested in her work because alternative medicine is getting more and more to the fore in America. "I tolerate my media coverage, but there are still people for whom my work is scary. Sometimes they feel the need to attack me, but I usually do not respond to it. I know who I am, I believe in what I do, and I know it helps. "

Lucia herself referred to it as a reservoir of healing energy, a sort of satellite. "Energy goes into the client's body through me. His/her body then directs the energy where it is needed. Your body is wiser than my brain, so I it will not direct it. I work with people who are contemplating suicide. I give lessons. I prepare radio programs where anyone has the access to my information. My goal is to help the greatest number of people so that they do not have to have a journey like mine. Who knows what my life would have been like, if I had met someone like  I am now in my childhood. Certainly not so painful." Contemplating

Beautiful times:

Things that Lucia says can quite naturally arouse suspicion. The brain simply cannot understand them. "Often I meet with the fear of the unknown, as well as concerns on how I will be perceived by others if I speak. But I will not wait until times change. I will not hush-hush across the ocean, where people are more inclined to it or worried about what neighbors would think of me. For me it is more important to help the paralyzed man, to guide the sixteen-year-old boy away from suicide, or to encourage a battered woman to realize what great value she has. If someone does not like it, it's not my problem, " she says firmly.

”There are known cases where people receive sensitive messages and warnings from above.” Lucia is not considering herself a new Nostradamus. "I feel that my knowledge is guided by something that is much larger than us. Call it God, Buddha or the universe.  I simply call it light. From what I know and watch from the work of my colleagues, I can say that we will have a beautiful future where we can really help each other and will be without wars. I am already looking forward to it", she predicts.

Hell with her husband:

Lucia lived with her abusive husband for years. He made her life a hell. She was kept alive only by her love for her son Janik. "If you have a child, the mother instinct takes over and you can withstand anything, just to protect him. My ex-husband is selfish. Everything was just about him and for him. Everyone here existed only to serve him. If someone says every day that you are incompetent and worthless, in time you start to believe it.”

Lucia, who lives in America alone, recalls the history. “I had zero self-esteem and married a man on the level at which I felt I was. He threatened to kidnap and sell our son, which he would have been absolutely capable of doing. I thought that if I stayed with him, I would have at least some control over things. When I became interested in healing and gathered some confidence, he became even more furious. He began to oppress our son and me more.

He knew that I did not have any support, so he used it. Luckily I managed to leave with my son. Beginnings were scary, but then things improved. Now I have big plans for the future. Due to the fact that I lived through hell, I can now help others. "

by Marina Dobosová


Lucia Mitro sa venuje konzultáciám a reconection, teda znovunapojeniu. Podla vlastných slov pomáha senzitívnym ludom, detom, ktoré vidia duchov, aj rodicom, ktorí majú takéto deti, aby vedeli, ako žit. Vdaka energii, ktorá cez nu prúdi, dokáže aj liecit. Konzultácie prebiehajú osobne, ale aj cez telefón, mail ci skype.
Lucia sa s manželom a so synom pred rokmi dostala do Ameriky vdaka známej zelenej karte. Skúsenosti s liecitelstvom zacala naberat už v detstve. „Zistila som, že babka a tetušky ku mne rady chodia, aby som sa im starala o vlasy, a ked som im položila ruky na hlavu, akosi ich prestala boliet. Moja mama mala rada, ked som jej masírovala chrbát. Vraj viem pritlacit tak, aby to nebolelo. A ostatní ku mne chodievali ako k bútlavej vrbe, zverovali sa mi s najintímnejšími tajomstvami.“ Ked Lucia prišla do USA, jej kamarát upadol do kómy a ona ho navštívila v nemocnici. „Položila som ruku na jeho telo a preskenovala ho. Nikdy som nerozumela tomu, co vlastne robím, ale tušila som, že to mám urobit. Pri nom som si uvedomila, že pomáhanie iným je mojím posolstvom.“ Kamarát sa z kómy prebral a teraz je v poriadku. Vdaka jej lieceniu mohol napríklad 76-rocný muž na vozícku odprevadit svoju dcéru k oltáru, dievcatko po detskej obrne sa dnes môže hrat s kamarátmi na ihrisku. Pani, ktorá po troch mozgových príhodách stratila cit na pravej strane tela, má z neho po liecení sedemdesiat percent naspät.
Vidí duchov:
Zjednodušene by sa o Lucii dalo napísat, že vidí duchov. No v skutocnosti sú to podla jej slov anjeli ochrancovia. „Naše telá sa premenia na prach, no naša energia nikdy nezanikne. Prítomnost neviditelných priatelov som cítila od detstva, ale nikdy som nic nepovedala. Viete si predstavit, že by som za komunizmu vyhlasovala, že vidím duchov? Ved by ma zavreli do blázinca. Myslela som si, že som asi narušená, ked ich vidím len ja. Ked zomrel otec, velmi som sa bála. Na jednej strane som tie bytosti chcela ignorovat, ale na druhej som velmi túžila vediet, ci je v poriadku,“ rozpamätáva sa na dávnu udalost. Asi tri dni po otcovom pohrebe sa osmelila a navštívila izbu, kde predtým odpocívalo jeho telo. Zrazu sa sám od seba zopárkrát zapol a vypol vysávac, potom zacalo blikat svetlo a v prázdnej izbe sa ozývali zvláštne zvuky. „V tú noc ma otec prišiel navštívit. Pamätám sa na tú víziu, ako keby to bolo vcera. Prišiel smutný a povedal: ‚Nikdy som ti neublížil, ked som bol živý, preco si myslíš, že ti ublížim teraz?‘ A odišiel. Od tej chvíle som sa otecka už nebála, stále sa s ním rozprávam,“ hovorí Lucia a dodáva, že najcitlivejšie a najotvorenejšie k návštevám z druhého brehu sú deti. „Ak vám dieta povie, že sa zhovára s pradedom, ktorý zomrel pred tridsiatimi rokmi, skúste mu verit. Moja skúsenost hovorí, že osem z desiatich detí má pravdu.“
Lieci aj slávnych:
Lucia Mitro sa v Amerike dostáva do povedomia. Chodia za nou novinári aj televízne štáby. Na svojom konte má totiž vyliecenie niekolkých známych ludí. Ich identitu však nemieni prezradit. „Môžem povedat len tolko, že som pracovala s rôznymi ludmi od politikov, vojakov, policajtov cez umelcov až po väznov,“ naznacuje svoju klientelu. Tá k nej chodí so všetkými problémami, ktoré ju trápia. Médiá sa o jej prácu zaujímajú aj preto, že alternatívna medicína sa v Amerike dostáva coraz viac do popredia. „Zatial svoju medializáciu znášam dobre, no stále sú ludia, ktorým moja práca nahána strach. Niekedy cítia nutnost napadnút ma, no ja na to zvycajne nereagujem. Viem, kto som, verím v to, co robím, a viem, že pomáham.“ Lucia sama seba oznacuje ako rezervoár liecivej energie, akýsi satelit. „Energia ide do tela pacienta cezo mna. Jeho telo ju už potom sústredí tam, kde potrebuje. Hovorím, že vaše telo je múdrejšie ako môj mozog, tak to nebudem riadit. Pracujem aj s ludmi, ktorí pomýšlajú na samovraždu. Dávam lekcie, v rozhlase pripravujem program, kde má k mojim informáciám prístup ktokolvek. Mojím cielom je pomôct co najväcšiemu množstvu ludí, aby nemuseli absolvovat cestu ako ja. Ktovie, aký by som mala život, keby som stretla v detstve niekoho takého, ako som dnes ja. Urcite nie taký bolestivý,“ uvažuje.

Krásne casy:
Veci, o ktorých Lucia hovorí, môžu celkom prirodzene vzbudzovat nedôveru. Jednoducho nie sme schopní pochopit ich rozumom. „Casto sa stretávam so strachom z neznámeho, ako aj s obavami, ako ma budú vnímat iní, ak sa ozvem. Nebudem však cakat, kým sa casy zmenia. Nebudem ticho cušat za oceánom, kde sú ludia tomu viac naklonení, len preto, aby si o mne cosi nepomysleli susedia. Pre mna je dôležitejšie pomôct ochrnutému cloveku, usmernit šestnástrocného chlapca, aby nespáchal samovraždu, alebo podporit týranú ženu, aby si uvedomila, akú má hodnotu. Ak sa to niekomu nepáci, nie je to môj problém,“ hovorí odhodlane.
Známe sú prípady, ked senzitívni ludia prijímali posolstvá a varovania ‚zhora‘. Lucia sa však nepovažuje za dalšieho Nostradama. „Cítim, že moje vedomosti a liecenie vedie nieco, co je omnoho väcšie ako my. Volat to Boh, Budha alebo vesmír? Jednoducho to volám svetlo. Z toho, co viem a co sledujem v prácach mojich kolegov, môžem povedat, že nás caká krásna budúcnost, kde si naozaj budeme navzájom pomáhat a nebudú tu žiadne vojny. Už sa na to teším,“ predpovedá.

Peklo s manželom:
Lucia dlhé roky znášala manžela tyrana, ktorý jej znepríjemnoval život. Pri živote ju držal jedine jej syn Janko, ktorého vychovávala. „Ak máte dieta, materinský inštinkt zaberie a vy znesiete hocico, len aby ste ho ochránili. Môj exmanžel je sebec, všetko bolo len o nom a prenho. Každý tu bol preto, aby mu slúžil. Ak vám niekto každý den hovorí, že ste neschopná, hlúpa hus, po case tomu zacnete verit. Vydávala som sa s nulovou sebaúctou a dostala som manžela na takej úrovni, na akej som sa cítila,“ spomína na minulost Lucia, ktorá sa životom v Amerike pretlka celkom sama. „Bývalý sa mi vyhrážal, že unesie a predá nášho syna, coho by bol absolútne schopný. Myslela som si, že ak s ním zostanem, budem mat nad vecami aspon nejakú kontrolu. Ked som sa zacala zaujímat o liecenie a naberat sebavedomie, zúril ešte viac. Zacal ma týrat viac a syn zažil tiež dost. Vedel, že tu nemám nijakú oporu, tak to využíval. Naštastie sa mi so synom podarilo odíst. Zaciatky boli hrozné, ale potom sa to zlepšilo a teraz mám velké plány do budúcnosti. Vdaka tomu, že som prežila peklo, môžem teraz pomáhat iným.“